26 Dec 2013

Christmas time!

Weeks 11 and 12: Sir Fluffington: The staff are useful, but they never seem to know exactly where I want a fuss which is rather inconvenient. I have found though if I grab their hands with my paws and put their hand in the right place then they almost get it right but humans just don’t seem to be jolly good at learning. It was especially important to do this while we had our cones on as we couldn’t get to the right places ourselves.

Sushi: I think Sir Fluffington has found his first love. He loves lamp. Yes, like on Anchor Man, Sir Fluffington loves lamp. I tease him about it but he doesn’t seem to get it he just loves lamp. He has to go and meow at it every day and he has the nerve to say he’s the smart one; I think not. Super Sushi roll the master explorer is way smarter. 

The staff have bought us new food bowls. They are the strangest food bowls we’ve ever encountered; for one they are spherical. Rather than just eating out of them we have to push them along and wait for bits of food to fall out. It makes eating take so much longer. We suppose it’s good though as we get to be interactive with our food.

We wanted to wait to post this blog until after our first Christmas, so we did. We don’t have to listen to the staff and post the blog at regular intervals, we can do it when we want. Although we did threaten to strike if they didn’t let us write it after Christmas day.

The day started with yummy food, chicken to be exact then we got to play for a bit before opening presents, we got a three way tunnel and loads of wrapping paper. The three way tunnel is great to play in and hide in and wrapping paper is so much fun and makes things like playing with peanuts even more exciting. We just spent the whole day playing until we couldn’t play anymore, then sleeping till we could play some more. Christmas is definitely a good day.

Crowdfunding didn’t work but we are resourceful kitties and are not going to let anything stop us from opening our cat café, after all we have loyal staff to do all the hard work for us and believe you me we’re still working them hard even though it’s Christmas time. We did let them stop to cook us a yummy Christmas dinner though. It’s only fair. They seem to have made a mistake though as they ate the Christmas dinner and whilst they did give us a very yummy chicken dinner, it was no Christmas dinner.

The staff are so well trained they even wrapped the presents that we got for them. We thought we should get them presents as they work hard for us but we could never wrap them ourselves, sounds like way too much hard work, though unwrapping presents is fun and playing with the paper.

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