2 Oct 2013

Our First Week

Day 1: In the evening we were rescued from a dirty home by Jon and Keri and they took us back to their flat. We experienced a taxi for the first time which was really scary but it was so nice getting out of the carrier/play box into a clean home. We fearlessly explored straight away and played with string before collapsing next to Keri for the night.

Day 2: This morning we were told that we are going to run a café when we are a bit older and that Jon and Keri are actually our staff, so we had better start treating them like it. We had a little explore of the whole flat and we bought some new toys. It was fun playing and sleeping with the staff and were purring a lot which is something we never did at the old dirty home. By the end of the day the fleas we have thanks to our previous home were really bothering us. We hope we’re taken to the vets really soon.

Sushi: I think I’m destined to be a great explorer. I found so many great new places today and even found time to show Sir Fluffington who’s boss by shutting him in the carrier/play box.

Day 3: Finally we went to the vets to get our fleas treated. The journey was scary but the staff (Jon and Keri) were there to reassure us and kept stopping on the way to help calm us down. The vets was a scary place but we both wanted to explore it. When we got home there was lots of commotion as we had to move rooms and there was a funny smell but things seemed cleaner afterwards.

Sushi: I discovered that fish aren’t just for eating, they are for swinging on as well. Unfortunately our staff are yet to snap a photo of me in motion on it because I'm a ninja.

Day 4: The staff had more staff come and give us more attention and we were feeling better being cleaner. We played lots and slept just as much. We made a new discovery today, the staff have an amazing climbing frame that was right in front of us the whole time. 

Sir Fluffington: I was given a new bed. I think the staff called it a picnic hamper, whatever that is. I let Sushi play in my new bed but she knows it’s mine.

Day 5: Sushi: I’m taking over today: Sushi the explorer. I was going about my exploring business looking for lost lands and treasure but the staff kept stopping me. I don’t know what makes them think they have the right to tell me what to do, you just can’t get the staff these days. I discovered the joys of motor racing as I watched Moto GP with one of the staff. I also realised that the staff have a disturbing obsession with my toilet, I think they like to collect it…

Day 6: Sir Fluffington: Sushi had a turn so now it’s mine, not that I always follow her or anything. Anyway, today one of the staff made the most amazing thing for me, it’s made of white stuff that’s great to bite and flies through the air. I improved the aerodynamics of it by putting some well-thought out holes in it and now it flies even better. Maybe I should become a aeroplane designer. I was given a super tasty little parcel today as well. I didn’t know what it was at first so I just left it but the staff insisted on me eating it, so I did and it was the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten. I’m looking forward to more.

Day 7: We’re getting really used to living here now and have been spending a lot of time at the top of our climbing frame. We fell off a lot at first because its odd drum-like shape caught us out but we are used to it now. Then there was really big news: suddenly we woke up and there was a huge tower in the middle of the room. We were cautious at first, but then climbed right to the top. Now we can look down on the staff, as things should be.

Sir Fluffington: The strangest thing happened today. I woke to my little sister licking my bum. I thought to myself: I can either have years of therapy to get over this or I can just go back to sleep. I chose the latter.

It’s been a week and we’re glad we are here. It makes a nice change from our first ten weeks in that dirty home and the staff are always playing with us and cuddling us and we purr all the time now. We were worried we’d never have a reason to purr but the staff have given us plenty of reasons. Look forward to us writing about our next week in our little kitten-sized adventure called life.

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