28 Nov 2013

Oh Christmas tree

Week 8: Sir Fluffington: I thought I’d start us off this week by letting everybody know that I am the intelligent one. I don’t quite understand how anyone could even question it. I am the Sir not Sushi, I am dignified and polite not just a crazy little kitten that runs after anything including one’s own tail such as Sushi. She rarely even listens to the staff whereas I listen and choose to ignore them, as of course I know better than they do. I just find it quite preposterous that people believe me to be the less than intelligent one; I highly doubt Sushi even knows what preposterous even means.

Sushi: After Sir Fluffington learnt to meow whilst drinking, I’ve been a bit jealous, so I’ve got him to start teaching me to meow whilst drinking as well. I’m not great at it yet but I’ve managed to do it once or twice. I’ll get better though, I’ll be as good as him soon.

Sir Fluffington: I saw the most amazing place this week: above the kitchen. One of the staff went up there, and it looks huge and ruddy high up. I let the staff know that I desperately wanted to go there by meowing but they were jolly poor sports about it and didn’t take me up there too. Mark my words I’ll get up there one day, just you see, then I’ll be the one not letting them up there as I shall claim it as my kingdom. Now what will I call it? Fluffingtonville? No, not regal enough…how about The Flufftons? Yes, that sounds a bit more like it.

One day this week something very strange happened, unlike anything that we’ve heard or felt our entire lives. These metal things that are good for sticking our paws behind to get grey fluffy bits, radiators we think…anyway, they started making noise, it was utterly bizarre so we had to investigate even though it was rather scary. It turns out radiators pump heat out of them, who knew? So the whole place got nice and warm.

Sushi: When the radiators were turned on I decided to use under the sofa as a kotatsu, it was really warm and comfy. I wish we had a real kotatsu, I think I’d live in it. Sir Fluffington can have a kingdom, I just want a kotatsu.  

The staff lifted up a sofa for some reason and it was really fun playing it, so much more fun than sofas normally are. We can recommend to everyone, put your sofas on the side and enjoy all the added benefits of extra places to explore.

Sir Fluffington: I caught Sushi doing the most disgusting thing this week, it was truly horrid. I caught her…giving a wash to that dog that comes to visit. I know, unthinkably revolting, imagine washing a dog! Blergh! I hope she gave her tongue a good cleaning after that one.

At the end of the week, the staff got us a new tower, it was the most amazing tower ever. It was thick at the bottom and thin at the top and covered in toys and interesting things to play with. The really strange part was that they wouldn’t let us on the tower, what’s the point of getting us an amazing tower and not letting us on it? We listened at first and stayed off but eventually we just couldn’t help ourselves it looked to much fun and we had to go on it. After that, the staff took away all the toys from the tower, ruining it. Well not quite ruining it, but it’s not as good now, still comfy to lay on but that’s not the point. And they still won’t let us on it.

For the first time, we caught a bird! It was spectacular; the bird never saw us coming. Like ninjas in the night, we saw it, stalked it for a while and then struck. There really wasn’t much left of it by the time we were finished, we were quite proud. It didn’t even matter to us that it was pink, glittery and attached to that new tower at all.

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